Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Verses to Song “As Sisters in Zion”

Inspired by the wave of sister missionaries, LDS songwriter Janice Kapp Perry has written new verses to the hymn “As Sisters in Zion”. The new song is called "The Sisters of Zion". She said it was done "to inspire sister missionaries regarding their important place in the missionary work force." 

It was first performed at the MTC in May 2013. Sister Perry said, "I told the MTC sisters we were going to play the soundtrack and they would be the first ones to ever sing it! It’s hard to describe the depth of my feelings about what happened next, as they spontaneously rose to their feet and sang "The Sisters of Zion" with great fervor. The spirit was electric—a moment none of us will ever forget." 

One sister missionary said in her blog, "Now, imagine 1,500 sister missionaries singing this at the exact same time....when we got to the part that says 'We are as the Army of Helaman", we all sang 'We are NOW the Army of Helaman'. It was so powerful! And it truly testified to me of the importance of missionary work!"

Unfortunately, Melia was not at the MTC for this occasion. She arrived a few weeks later.  

(Below is a link to the article on, where you can read more about it and listen to the song.)

Watch Out World! Here Come the Sisters of Zion! (

The Sisters of Zion

Words and Music by Janice Kapp Perry 

The sisters of Zion are called to God’s labor
We willingly serve Him with spirit and might
We go to the nations with truth everlasting
We teach of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us
We trust in His words and our purpose is clear
The angels of heaven are walking beside us
We’ll share our glad message with all who will hear

We go forth enlisted with Helaman’s Army
In numbers much greater than ever before
With power and spirit we’ll faithfully witness
The heavens have spoken, and truth is restored 

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